Blood Components | Definition | Functions

By | September 16, 2019

Human Blood

Blood is a fluid that circulates in an exceedingly closed system of blood vessels, in cellular and extremely advanced vertebrate animals. Blood is known as both Tissue and  Fluid at a time. Blood is Tissue because blood is the combination of many specialized cells. That perform specialized functions inside the body. Blood Components are described below:

Blood Components

Blood Components

Blood consists of a pale-yellow fluid known as Plasma and solid parts like Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes) whereas Blood cells (Leucocytes) and Platelets (Thrombocytes). Blood Components are given in flow Chart:

Blood Components


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Composition of Blood

Blood contains 55% Plasma and 45% cellular fraction. By weight, blood consists of 80% of Water. While Blood Cellular Fractions composed of the following Cells:

  1. Erythrocytes (5 x 106 Cells/μl)
  2. Leucocytes (4.5- 11 x 103 Cells/μl)
  3. Thrombocytes (3 x 105 Cells/μl).
    The plasma contains an outsized variety of organic and inorganic substances in solution. These substances are also diffused with numerous Electrolytes, Anabolic, Catabolic substances, Vitamins, and Hormones.
    Plasma also contains non-diffusible substances which are usually Albumen, Globulin, Fibrinogen, Enzymes, Lipids etc.

Blood Components

Blood Cells

Blood comprised of Three Basic types of cells:

  1. Red Blood Cells
  2. White Blood Cells
  3. Platelets  

Blood Components

Functions of Blood

  1. Blood helps to transport Oxygen (O2)  from the Lungs to the whole Body organs and tissues.
  2. Blood also transports Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from the Body Tissues towards the Lungs. These exchangeable methods are very important for Respiration.
  3. Blood help in transportation of absorbed Dietary Nutrients from any main Duct to all over the body tissues.
  4. It plays a vital role in the transportation of Metabolic Wastes to the kidneys, lungs, and skin for removal.
  5. Blood transports numerous Hormones and Minerals inside the Body.
  6. The main function of blood to maintains traditional Acid-Base balance or Buffers within the body.
  7. Blood also plays a vital role in the regulation of Water Balance.
  8. Blood periodically Regulates Body Heat.
  9. Inside the Blood White blood cells and Antibodies plays the vital role in Defense Against numerous kind of infections.

Blood Formation in the Body

Blood Formation or Blood Biosynthesis is also known as Hematopoiesis. In short Hematopoiesis procedure comprised of Production, Development, and Maturation of Blood Cellular. Formation of Blood in Adults is performed by the Action of Bone Marrow Cells. But in Contrast, Hematopoiesis in the developing performed in Extra Medullary Regions until the bone marrow is matured and become functional.

Blood Components