Edible Mushrooms | Definition | Types

By | January 23, 2019

Mushroom Meaning in English

Mushroom Meaning in English


Edible Mushrooms

Edible Mushrooms

Mushroom are basically enlarged complex structure above or ground fleshy fruiting bodies of the Fungus. Edible Mushrooms are described below:

Is a Mushroom a Vegetable?

Mushrooms are typically the special type of Macro-Fungus bodies. Technically Mushroom is neither a Fruit nor a Vegetable. In addition, even Mushrooms aren’t Plants. Mushrooms are the complete package of obtaining essential nutrients in the adequate amount. These are the source of a healthy diet. In other words, Mushrooms are basically classified as Fungi and vegetable as well. Due to its nutritional value, it is considered a vegetable. Mushroom provides a huge variety of nutrients.

Edible Mushrooms

Edible Mushrooms

Edible Mushrooms

Edible Mushrooms

Edible Mushrooms are described below in the given content:

1. Oyster Mushroom( Pleurotus eryngii )
Pleurotus eryngii

The oyster mushroom (Pleurotus spp.) is most important commercially grown mushrooms. This mushroom completely resembles with the shape of shellfish. Due to this, it is known as an oyster mushroom in English, Sipi Khumbhi in Sindhi and Sadaf Numa Khumbhi in Urdu. Oyster Mushroom is consumed as fresh as well as dried. Many Pleurotus spp. are very easy to cultivate. Its cultivation is less expensive no need extra care as compared to other artificially cultivated mushrooms.

(Pleurotus spp.)

Edible Mushrooms

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Edible Mushrooms

Oyster Mushroom in areas of Sawat area known as Dhengri. For the cultivation of Oyster mushroom cultivation, its best spawn can be organized or prepared on Sorghum (Jowar) and cereal grains. Most of the time wheat, paddy, barley, oat and gram straw, banana, sugarcane, and maize leaves, empty millet heads, and corn cobs, cotton waste, sugarcane baggage, banana pseudostems, sawdust, logs, waste newspapers, manure can be used for spawn production.

Edible Mushrooms

Edible Mushrooms
Volvariella Volvaceae

It is also known as straw mushroom or Chinese mushroom because it is best grown on paddy straw. This mushroom was first time acknowledged as edible and consumed by Chinese people. Its cultivation was started in China due to this it is known as Chinese mushroom or Tributary mushroom. Paddy Straw mushroom can be consumed as fresh as well as in dried form.

Edible Mushrooms

Edible Mushrooms

These white mushrooms shape completely resembled with the shape of Button due to which it is known as Button mushroom. These mushrooms are very difficult to cultivate and its cultivation needs a lot of expenses and a very long period as compared to other artificially cultivated mushrooms. Button Mushrooms need Rice husks or wheat grains for best spawn preparation. But this cultivation requires diverse types of composts with different compositions for cultivation.

Edible Mushrooms

Edible Mushrooms

Poisonous Mushroom

Poisonous Mushroom

Amanita phalloides

Amanita phalloides

Mushroom the death cap, is commonly found in Europe. Its morphology quietly resembles edible Straw mushrooms and Caesar’s mushrooms. Death cap mushroom contains heat-stable amatoxins compounds that are resistant to cooking temperatures. They quickly harm cells throughout the body. Within 6 to 12 hours after ingesting these mushrooms swear abdominal pain, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea appears.

Edible Mushrooms

Edible Mushrooms

Conocybe Filaris

Conocybe Filaris

Conocybe Filaris is lawn mushroom which usually found in that is Pacific Northwest of the world. These mushrooms contain mycotoxins. These compounds are fatal when they are ingested. After consumption gastrointestinal symptoms appeared after 6-24 hours.

Conocybe Filaris

Edible Mushrooms

Edible Mushrooms

Wild Mushroom

Wild mushrooms are abundant in many areas of the country, especially after a rainy spell. Some of these mushrooms are dangerous to eat; a few can even kill you. One type of mushroom, Amanita Virosa, is so dangerous that it is called “the death angel”.

“the death angel”.
“the death angel”

Edible Mushrooms

Edible Mushrooms