Crenate | Crenation Definition and Example

By | June 10, 2019

Crenation Definition and Example



Crenate is basically a leaf or shell which having a round-toothed or scalloped edge structure formed by the special process called Crenation.


Crenation is that the term which describes associate object having a crenated or round-toothed edge. The term comes from the Latin word crenates which implies ‘scalloped or notched’. Use of Crenation was first known in 1846.

A method ensuing from diffusion during which red blood cells, in a very hypertonic resolution, endure shrinkage and acquire a notched or crenate surface.

In biology and zoological science, the term refers to an organism displaying the form (such as a leaf or shell), whereas, in chemistry, curved shape is employed to explain what happens to a cell or alternative object once it’s exposed to a hypertonic solution.


Crenation inside Red Blood Cells 

Red blood cells are the actual form of cell most mentioned with relevancy curved shape. A standard human red corpuscle (RBC) is spherical, with an indented center (because human RBCs lack a nucleus). Once a red corpuscle is placed in an exceedingly hypertonic solution, like some extremely saline surroundings, there’s a lower concentration of solute particles within the cell than outside within the extracellular area. This causes water to move from the cell into the extracellular area via diffusion. As water leaves the cell, it shrinks and develops the notched look characteristic of crenate.

In addition to hypertonicity, red blood cells might have a scalloped look because of the results of bound diseases. Acanthocytes are spiked red blood cells which will be destroyed from disease, neurological disorder, and different diseases. Echinocytes or burr cells are RBCs that have evenly-spaced thorny projections. Echinocytes type when exposure to anticoagulants and as artifacts from some staining techniques. They’re conjointly related to Anemia, uremia, and alternative disorders.

Acanthocytes possess spines on the plasma membrane that manifest in uneven and abnormal distributions, numbers and lengths. The irregular morphology is caused by alterations within the membrane lipids as some results of diseases like hereditary condition, that causes abnormal lipoid concentrations among the blood. Because of the inability to create sure lipoproteins important for cell membranes. Different diseases like fat-soluble vitamin deficiency, disease or absorption may have a similar result. This kind of crenelle is irreversible.


Crenation versus Plasmolysis

While crenation happens in animal’s cells, cells that have a semipermeable membrane cannot shrink and alter its structure while its place in an exceedingly hypertonic solution. Plant and microorganism cells instead of enduring plasmolysis. In plasmolysis, water leaves the protoplasm, however, the semipermeable membrane doesn’t collapse. Instead, the protoplasm shrinks, departure gaps between the semipermeable membrane and cell membrane. The cell loses turgidity pressure and becomes flaccid. Due to continued loss of pressure will cause the collapse of the plasma membrane or cytolysis. Cells undergoing plasmolysis don’t develop a peaky or crenate structure.


Practical Applications of Crenation

Crenation could be a helpful technique for conserving food. Salt solidification of meat causes crenate. Pickling of cucumbers is another sensible use of crenation.